Alex Necakov
Project highlights through the years! For a full list, check out my GitHub and
Winner of the Boston University Best Electrical & Computer Engineering Project Award for 2022!
My college senior capstone project. An Arduino based sensor ball meant to record data from the bottom of
the ocean floor.
Cool technical features include:
Can withstand undersea conditions at 1000 ft below sea level
Can collect 10 days worth of undersea data (pressure, temp, dissolved o2, light, salinity, current
speed) without a recharge
Wireless transmission using LoRa radio to base unit
Custom web server for data visualization using CanvasJS
You can view the source and documentation here
September, 2021 - May, 2022
My latest project, a gravity-based space exploration game where you control a space probe with
limited fuel and use gravity to help you explore the cosmos.
Cool technical features include:
Custom impulse-based physics with realistic gravity
AABB and circle collision detection
Hand made entity system in C using the Oogabooga engine
You can download the game here
September, 2024 - October, 2024
A Vampire Survivors clone written in C! Run around and kill enemies with your sword and auto-firing
Cool technical features include:
Support for up to 10,000 entities on screen
Particle and screen shake system
You can download the game here
High Powered Model Rocket
Final Fantasy Clone from scratch (in C)
Pac-Man clone with HLSL shaders
Self-driving model car with wall following and cruise control
Kirby-inspired platformer, written in Scratch
CT State-champion FTC robots (2018) with computer vision in Vuforia
A really crappy iOS tomato timer app in Obj-C
My React Native fitness tracker app
Gyroscope ball rolling maze game in Cocos2d
Temperature controlled box with some Arduinos
Bluetooth speaker hacked Billy Bass talking fish
An I2C component in verilog for device spoofing
Too many bracket making apps in C, Go, and JS
This site lol
Some animated bugs made in OpenGL Python bindings
A crappy CLI version of Oregon Trail in Python
Some old meme videos in Premier, Final Cut, Sony Vegas, and Kdenlive
Reading app... coming soon